Wednesday, May 7, 2014


1) By default in Microsoft word, on which page the header or the footer is printed?
a)      On first page
b)      On alternate page
c)      On every page
d)     None of the above
2) The following explains the truth about computers, except one among the following
a)      Many computers process billions or trillions of operations in a single second, therefore your work can be done within a very short period of time.
b)      A computer can transfer data slowly from storage to memory
c)      Given the same input and processes, a computer will produce the same results consistently
d)     In the future day’s computers can save cost at our home and working places.
3) The following explains the truth about computers, except one among the following
a) Many computers process billions or trillions of operations in a single second, therefore your work can be done within a very short period of time.
b) A computer can transfer data slowly from storage to memory
c) Given the same input and processes, a computer will produce the same results consistently
d) In the future day’s computers can save cost at our home and working places.
4) A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain interval is available on
a)      Save tab on Options dialog box
b)      Save As dialog box
c)      Both of above
d)     None of the above
5)  Which of the following is not valid version of MS Office?
a)      Office 2003
b)      Office Vista
c)      Office 2007
d)     None of these

6) From the following which is a volatile memory?
a)      ROM
b)      BIOS
c)      PROM
d)     RAM
7) Which kind of hardware is used the most in the input phase of a computer based information system?
a)      Keyboard
b)      Printer
c)      Monitor
d)     Hard disk
8) Which statement is valid?
a)      1 KB = 8 bytes
b)      1 KB = 1024 bytes
c)      1 MB = 1024 bytes
d)     1 MB = 8 KB
9) A Personal Computer (PC) is a …………….. Computer
a)      Super
b)      Mainframe
c)      Mini
d)     Micro

10) Which of the following terms applies to communication between separate computer systems?
a)      Computer literacy
b)      Power supply
c)      Application software
d)     Connectivity
e)      None of the above

11)  The choice of the method of data storage medium depends on the following except
a)      Storage capacity of the medium
b)      Cost and availability of the medium
c)      Password strength of the medium


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